Space Facts with General Zim!

Hello there, fellow humans of the C-137 earth. Nice weather today especially for a picnic out in the sunny fields... for now. Today we bring a few interesting facts about your good'old space from General Zim from the 9th quadrant! Hoo'rayy! Lets jump right into it.


Eventually the night sky will be completely black

Nothing last forever am i right? According to Scientific American "The quickening expansion will eventually pull galaxies apart faster than light, causing them to drop out of view". This will erase any signs that the big bang ever happened. To our distant descendants, the universe might look like a small puddle of stars in an endless, changeless void. 


Meteors can strike without any warning

In 2013, 400 people were injured after a "sudden" meteorite explosion in the mountains over Russia. I guess that's one way to phrase an inter-planetary hit job. 

So anyway, meteors can fall at any moment.... without any warning. Nada, nothing.


The Universe could be a ticking time bomb

In a few billion years, there could be a potential explosion scientists referring to as the "Big Rip". This explosion would have enough force to blow everything apart, shred rocks, animals, molecules and finally even atoms. 

Can't wait until this one becomes a religion. With at end the Space Facts with General Zim! Part1, don't wait for part2